Thursday, March 26, 2009

Five Things I Recommend To Make Everyone Happier!

I have figured out a few things in life that seem to make me happier. Maybe this will work for you!

1. Stop watching so much CNN, local news and national evening news. Have you ever stopped to think about how everything on the news is negative? Did it ever occur to you that a lot of the news is about fear and doom? Well, I am here to tell you that I stopped watching the local news years ago. CNN was next. I haven't watched a full version of any national news in several years. Guess what? I am not missing much. I get all the news I need from the Internet or from people telling me about it. I suggest you watch in moderation. If you work for a news organization, please help us out with a little positive stuff once in awhile :) and I might start watching again! A newspaper is easy to scan and filter, so I do still read one. You just skip the section or article that is disturbing. This thought occurred to me once when I was doing an all inclusive vacation in Jamaica. I was thankful that the tv viewing options were limited at the time and I just decided that there were more fun things to do than sit in front of the television, FOR EVEN A MINUTE.

This is what is so refreshing about going to an island. You get the chance to remove yourself from reality. Listen to the ocean lap against the shores below your balcony or watch the palm trees sway over your beachfront palapa. I really do think we are bombarded by the every day media blitz. You know what? The time I went on vacation without television and constant email/computer work was one of the best things I have ever done. Had more fun! Felt better! Figured out that most things we worry about don't really matter. In Jamaica they say "Don't worry bout a ting, cause every lil ting, gonna be alright". It makes sense. My Jamaican friend Jarrett once said "fear of the disease is worse than the disease itself". He was talking about he never worried about a thing, and especially getting sick. Makes you wonder about worrying about getting heart disease. I now know what he meant. You could actually make yourself sick by worrying.

Now I know this is long winded, but I really do encourage you to stop watching so much damn news! Stop worrying about the latest world problems and take some time away from it all. I bet a Caribbean all inclusive vacation is in order for all of us. Come to think of it, I have never seen an unhappy person sitting on the white sand next to the pristine waters of the Caribbean.

2. Get some sunshine!- During the winter, have you ever gotten "cabin fever" or felt depressed cause the weather is dark, gloomy, cold and wet? I sure have. An individual at our company was recently diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency. The doctor told him "You need to get outside and get some sun". Most of you know that sunlight gives us Vitamin D. I know that I feel great and am much happier when the sun is out and I get a chance to soak some up. I don't mean every day, but you do need to "catch some rays" from time to time. Oh? The sun never shines in your area for long periods of time? Well, I have the answer. Did you know that Cabo San Lucas has somewhere around 340 days of sunshine every year? Did you know that the Caribbean averages nearly 80 degrees year round? My favorite thing to do is go to an all inclusive resort somewhere warm while it is freezing cold out at home. Kinda makes you feel special that all of those folks back at home are freezing while you are playing some beach volleyball and sipping on all inclusive cocktails. Go get some sun! I'll bet it makes you happier.

3. Splurge on yourself- Feel like you work all of the time? Just got laid off? All of this negative talk about the economy has you down? Well, now is the time to splurge :) I bet a lot of you spend most of your time either working for or taking care of others. It is easy to forget that we need to "take care of ourselves" from time to time. Splurging can be good. Hey, what better thing to do than take a much-needed vacation? With all of the good deals out there on all inclusive vacations, this idea might not be all that crazy. Some hotels are running specials as high at 65% off all inclusive rates.

4. Give a gift to someone special-My best friend was pretty stressed out lately due to the industry he works in and that his accounts had suspended purchases because of decreased demand for their products. His income is dependent upon sales to these companies so it was making things frustrating. Well, his wife decided that HE needed a vacation that he wouldn't go out and buy for himself. She purchased a surprise all inclusive trip to a resort in the Mayan Riviera. They leave on Sunday. This will definitely make them both happier. He can get away from it all and she will be happier because he will be. It doesn't have to be a vacation, but giving a gift to a special person can be good for everyone involved.

5. Volunteer to help a charity or make a first-hand donation to a needy person. I like to know that my contributions go directly to the source in need. This is just a personal preference but that is how I operate. I always feel happier that I gave to someone who needs it more than me. When you can see that it made a difference, then that is all that matters. Anyway, try it and see how it goes. I bet you and the recipient will be happier for it :)

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